Brothers Grimm in rehearsal

Sock ‘n’ Buskin truly is a friendship company. When I first heard someone say that, I thought it was tacky but now I see that it is the perfect descriptor for this theatre company. It all starts the moment you decide to get involved. Between the welcome booth at the club expo and the launch party at the beginning of the fall term, there is no way not get involved. Granted, that is partially because these crazy people may (will) stop you around campus if they ever see you again to remind you to come back, but who’s complaining? Once you are brought into the cult – did I say cult? I meant theatre company – there are endless opportunities for how to get involved. If you don’t like the spotlight, backstage always needs an extra hand.

This theatre company couldn’t operate without the support of many people who live in the shadows (which makes them total badasses). For example, never trust me with painting anything because you never know what you’ll end up with, only that it won’t be what you want. Those who like to act are given so many opportunities to be part of the season with seven incredible shows in the lineup. Your first step towards being a SnB actor is auditions. I have never been to a more fun audition than when I auditioned for The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon. I remember everyone waiting in the Paterson building when Artistic Director Christian Giansante asked us to blurt out random “Dad jokes”. The nervousness flowed out of the room, replaced with laughter and really, really crappy jokes. It was my first taste of what being part of the SnB family meant. The next day was call-backs and that was one of my favorite memories of my first term at university. I got to meet many of the people I now call my closest friends and just had a great time playing around with different characters and yelling “SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY!” I could go on and on about what being in a show is like, and all of the incredible experiences that come with it, but I’ll let you figure that one out for yourself.
Ever since I joined, it has been one great adventure after the other. From late night karaoke to sitting around in Roosters (because you can ALWAYS find a SnB member at Roosters) it is always an adventure. I don’t think I would have become obsessed with Hamilton if it weren’t for my cast members shoving it down my throat and now I can’t go more than 24 hours without listening to the whole show. It has been a rollercoaster ride with SnB and I’ve loved every second of it. I can’t wait to see the upcoming shows and (hopefully) put in a submission for next years line up. Come by and be crazy with us, because more is always better!